A woman with shory gray hair wearing glasses and a black blouse

Joan Kalyan

Assistant Professor

Harris Hall 5158

Office hours: Monday, 12 p.m.- 1 p.m.; Wednesday 1 p.m.- 3 p.m.; Thursday 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.


Joan Kalyan taught composition in VCU’s English Department for many years then traveled to Qatar to teach in VCU’s School of the Arts in Doha. After returning to Richmond she joined Focused Inquiry in its inaugural year of 2007. Although her interests are wide ranging, classroom teaching remains her primary endeavor.


  • M.F.A., Poetry, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • B.A., Creative Writing, Virginia Commonwealth University

Courses Taught

  • UNIV 111
  • UNIV 112
  • UNIV 200