The Focused Inquiry Learning Lounge Sign displayed in black and whiteThe FILL, which is an open concept working space for students with additional study and conference rooms located on the fifth floor of Harris Hall, provides resources and programs to support student success and belonging in the Department of Focused Inquiry. 

We offer peer mentoring, workshops, and other resources so that you can:

  • Take ownership of your FI coursework
  • Increase your academic confidence
  • Meet and network with faculty, staff, and other students
  • Practice peer review 
  • Practice receiving feedback on your work
  • Save time getting started on assignments
  • Make the most of your time in college

In addition to these services, the FILL also offers printing services to all current FI students. Any student can benefit from our services. Even if you're doing well, we can help you thrive by networking or refining your work.

The FILL is open the following days and times:

  • Monday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 8 a.m.- 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.

What The FILL Can Do For You

Peer Mentoring 

FILL Peer Mentors are VCU students who have successfully completed UNIV 111, 112, and 200. We are here to support you in reaching your full potential in those courses. We can help with the essay-writing process, class presentations, MLA/APA citations, how to talk to your professor and information about other VCU resources. If you have a question and don't know who to ask, ask us! If we can't answer it, we'll work to connect you with someone who can.

Schedule a virtual OR in-person appointment with a FILL Peer Mentor in Navigate. You can also check Navigate for our drop-in hours.

Schedule A Session with a Peer Mentor

Meet our FILL Peer Mentors

Equipment Checkout

The FILL has a technology checkout service that is available to all current Focused Inquiry students. Available equipment:

  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • Trackball mouse
  • Ergonomic keyboard
  • 64 GB flash drive
  • Adjustable smartphone clamp
  • Smartphone tripod

Checkout Equipment

The ReFILL Newsletter & Podcast

FILL Peer Mentors publish both a weekly newsletter and podcast called the ReFILL! Both the newsletter and podcast.

Check Out Past Episodes of the ReFill Podcast

FILL Annual Report

The FILL annual report details our accomplishments and showcases our dedication to student success. 

FILL Annual Report 2023-2024