A man wearing glasses and a patterned polo shirt

Jeffrey Murray


Textbook Coordinator

Harris Hall 5165

Office hours: Monday, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2 p.m.-3 p.m.; Wednesday, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.


Peer Mentoring

Habits of Mind

Pedagogy of Polyphony


Jeffrey W. Murray joined the Focused Inquiry program for its pilot year in Fall 2006 and has been an active participant in the department’s Undergraduate Teaching Assistant program since its inception. He has published eighteen articles in the areas of philosophy of rhetoric and communication ethics, as well as two book monographs, Face to Face in Dialogue: Emmanuel Levinas and (the) Communication (of) Ethics and Kenneth Burke: A Dialogue of Motives. More recently, he has expanded his research into the scholarship of teaching and learning, and has published ten articles in various outlets, including Open Review of Educational Research and Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


  • Ph.D.-Communication Studies, University of Iowa
  • M.A.-Rhetoric and Communication, University of Virginia
  • M.S.- Biophysics, University of Virginia
  • M.A.-Religious Studies (Bioethics), University of Virginia


  • UNIV 111
  • UNIV 112


  • University College 2018-2019 “Overall Excellence in Teaching” Teaching Award
  • University College 2017-2018 “Innovative Project Award” Teaching Award