A woman with gray hair and glasses wearing a dark blue blouse and cardigan

Vicki Pallo


Harris Hall 5137

Office hours: Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Composition &

Multimodal Communication

Eighteenth- &

Nineteenth-Century British Literature

English Language Learning

First Year Experience &

General Education

Online Teaching and Learning

Professional Writing

Teaching with Technology


Dr. Pallo joined the department in 2007, where she regularly teaches Focused Inquiry courses and works to strengthen the role of general education across Virginia Commonwealth University. After her undergraduate studies, she spent several years as an Editor & Project Manager for a Seattle consulting firm before returning to academia to study 18th- and 19th-Century British Literature. Today, her research centers on the scholarship of teaching and learning, especially the way in which technology impacts these practices.


  • UNIV 111
  • UNIV 112
  • Inquiry & the Craft of Argument Finding Your Voice in Contemporary Society
  • Victorian Poetry


  • Overall Excellence in Service Award, University College, VCU, 2019
  • Affordable Course Content Award (co-author/recipient), VCU, 2017
  • Inclusive Curriculum Development Award (co-author/recipient), VCU, 2017
  • Service-Learning Research Study Grant, Division of Community Engagement, VCU, 2013-2014
  • Online Course Development Initiative (OCDI) Grant, VCU, 2012
  • Learning Outcomes Fellows Teaching Initiative (LOFTI) Grant, VCU, 2012
  • Service-Learning Associates Program Grant, VCU, 2010
  • Dissertation Semester Fellowships, Binghamton University, 2006-2007


  • College English Association
  • Conference on College Composition & Communication
  • National Council for Teachers of English
  • Northeast Modern Language Association